Sunday 22 May 2011

Rabbit Awareness Week!

Remember everyone it's rabbit awareness week.  A study commissioned by several animal welfare groups including the RSPCA have discovered that 75% of the two million pet rabbits in the UK are badly cared for and misunderstood, living in cramped conditions and becoming sick because of being fed the wrong kind of food.  So sad that so many people don't realise rabbits are intelligent, sociable creatures who need space, mind you it seems the pet industry who make the hutches doesn't realise this either.  These small hutches should be completely banned!  My best friends, Bill and Ben the Rabbit Men each have their own large chicken coop which act as brilliant hutches as they can run around and stand up on their back legs.  What they really love is the way we fill their coops up with masses and masses of straw and they make nests and burrows in the straw.  Love Noodles x

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